Health Services » Student Medication

Student Medication

Student Medication

A signed Medication Authorization Form must be completed and turned into the clinic along with the medication. You can view and download the form below.  

For medication to be administered at school, students must have:
  • Written permission with the date, student’s name, the name of the medication and reason it is being given, and the parent/guardian’s signature.
  • A note including the time of day the medication is to be administered and the number of days the student is to receive the medication.
  • Prescription medication must be in its original prescription bottle with the Doctor’s name and instructions clearly written on them by the pharmacist.
  • Over-the-counter medication must be in the original bottle with age appropriate dosage guidelines on the container.
  • Note: The pharmacist will give you an extra bottle when you get the prescription filled if you tell them your child will be taking this medication at  school.
  • No loose pills, unlabeled medications, or expired mediation will be given to students under any circumstances.
  • Note:  Medication can not be transported on the bus. All medication must be brought into the school by a parent or guardian or representative of either